Instead of insuring the driver to use any car, Autonational insures a named car for anybody to use, making this service perfect for families that share a single vehicle. Autonational also have a range of service offerings at different cost levels from Roadside only to Total Service cover.
Our car breakdown assistance and recovery services have won numerous awards over the years and continue to do so. Below are just some of the reasons you should choose Autonational Rescue to provide you with complete peace of mind and security when you’re on the move.
- Multi award winning service with over 60 years’ experience providing affordable breakdown solutions nationwide.
- Flexible breakdown options with varying benefits ensuring you only pay for the cover that’s right for you.
- An extensive fleet of over 5,500 nationwide recovery vehicles and 1,200 specialist operators who are always on hand, 24 hours a day, 365 days a year.
- 50% discount off the price of protecting a second vehicle for existing policy holders.
- Our policies cover the vehicle itself. This means that any legal driver using the vehicle is also covered by your Autonational Rescue policy.